

This tag is associated with 16 posts

Word of the day.

Word of the Day: Niveous:

Dan pushed the accelerator to full power. His jet responds roaring down the run way until it became lighter than air and lifted off. The ground swoosh by in a blur as the afterburners kicked in. 30,000 pounds of thrust pushed the jet through the cotton-balled sky. Dan’s heart began to relax a bit after breaking through the top layer clouds. Clouds never bothered Dan much, but that was before his jet was struck by lightning during takeoff, causing an engine malfunction, which led to a close call crash. He could never shake the feeling of being covered in cool dampness, a sudden covering of a niveous  blanket after he ejected out of the jet that day. Now, with every takeoff, his heart races a bit more than usual, fueled by nervousness and memories of that day. Memories that cause a kind of blackout as he’s flying on mental autopilot until arriving, until toping the last cloud.

Daily Gratitude challenge: using my Gratitude compass

Our lives are built on the same amount of failure as success.

When I feel my attitude slipping a bit, I readjust it by using my Gratitude compass. Focusing on even the smallest of things to be grateful for in my life. Will right the ship in due time. Sometimes it takes awhile, but course changes are some of the hardest things personally for me to except as needing to be done. Things look right, but feel wrong.

It’s too easy to become lost within foggy thoughts, or the great corn maze of life. Feeling alone, afraid, or even desperate, to solve anything quickly. Suddenly we focus on our impatient selves, and the here and now of life, rather than on the whole of it.

It is easy to expect more, demand more, while seeing less all around us. But our lives are built on the same amount of failure as success if we only looked closer.

Failure teaches us what works and what doesn’t. It prepares us to lower expectations and increase efforts all the while redirecting us onto a different pathway towards our original goal. Failure helps us take inventory of our lives. If only we didn’t use it as the only focal point. Lastly, failure is that classroom in the collage of hard knocks–that education given in hopes to push us away from the next future failure. To bad, myself included, we’re too often attracted to failures and focused on them; we’re all to busy magnifying those negative things in life to then realize it’s not a magnet attracting us to it. It’s our own desires, and wants, rather than our own efforts that we are focused on. Failures are there to teach us, not to be those bug zapper traps that zap us by attracting us to them until like a bug, zap! Your finished, your a failure.

A pile of wood boards and nails by themselves aren’t anything other than a pile of boards and nails. It we then work at building a box using them, that box may turn out perfect or slightly out of square, but still a box. Success in both instances in creating that box. Just not the same skill in finished product. Its people that passes judgment of success or failure, that says, I’m not a carpenter. Its the collage of hard knocks that says through efforts your skills will improve at being a great carpenter–and then being able to build a perfectly square box. But it’s failure within judgments and a comparison to what could be, within unrealistic time frames that creates the feeling of being a failure. It is in facing challenges, or obstacles, that should cause us to redirect our efforts according to our visions of our goals. Not the judgments or comparisons of what other people expect of us. But being more realistic in our planing, our execution, and our time frames, to get to where we want to be.

This is why I say our lives are built on the same amount of failures or maybe even more than our success.

It hard I know. But be thankful and even grateful for those opportunities and for those experiences to experience new things. Risking having found some success or failure. Enjoy everything with gratitude that you tried doing something new. Now push yourself towards your successes using your gratitude compass along with making a greater effort to be all you can be.

All the best.

Dancing on the couch.

How would you define happiness? It shouldn’t seem that happiness would be that much of an issue to define, though everyone defines it differently. For some it just living a carefree life–without a worry in the world–the bills are paid–they’ve got it made in the shade–our toes are in the sand and now we can have a drink in hand….blah,blah,blah.
For others it’s more than some finical security. Professionally speaking they seek a stable relationship / or other wise wanting everything else that would register as a life being good. The very things we all look for over the fence at your neighbors while neglecting to fertilize ours.

Is having to think about what makes you happy the first indication that happiness just maybe farther from reach then you think? Well unbuckle a bit from that easy chair to extend your reach a little.

Nobody ever actively has to think about, it’s time to be that happy go lucky person–pasting that smile on–add in some better facial expressions–mix in some glowing sunny dispositions, and bang! Instant happiness just as we thought it.

You either are, or are not happy. Usually we act first and then think about it later. But aren’t we what we choose to build ourselves into?

Going to happy hour at the local watering hole is just seeking a chemical change. It’s looking for that outside force of life to dictate emotional feelings. The funny thing about emotions are they change, often, way too rapidly. Yet observing people who display more times then not that true happiness, one would also see true stability. A life not totally devoid of that roller coaster ride of ups and downs, but one of self control, controlling emotional responses while acting proactively towards a smooth finish.

Children seem to be more honest with life and displays of emotional feelings. For them emotions come, and just as easily go, all to be forgotten in the excitement to experience what is around the next bend in the road. It’s adults that fertilize various emotions while hiding true feelings. It’s a childish game all the while hoping that someone else will come to the rescue and change it all for us. And if that fails, reach for the chemicals to try to mimic happy hour permanently.

Adults should stop storm chasing, living for the drama in flashes of lightning and the explosions of thunder. But except that with every storm that comes by, there is a peace, and a fresh scented calm after the rain / and all the tears.

Use your child like intensity to live life, knowing that you won’t control every aspect of it, but that you build your own master pieces by choosing the building blocks to be used in it. Kind of like playing with lego’s when you were a kid. You can build anything following your dreams and imagination.

So if you find yourself dancing on the couch….or jumping on your bed, it maybe the weekend? Or your inner child may have exploding to the surface in full display, while embracing the little moments, acting as you truly feel….being happy. Because there is someone else in the world that would be just as happy with what little you think that you have.
Don’t spill the coffee jumping around though. :^)
All the best.

The sky is the limit or should it be laying the moon at your feet

As people all too often we set limits to our dreams way to low. How often have you heard people say “The sky is the limit.”?
Is that even true?
When half of the people in the world are just as often below as above average. Tabulating all people is how being average even comes about. Making therefore the sky your goal seems to be an above average existence; but laying the moon at your feet is a clear’er understanding of what it means to be on top….in taking your best shot, in shooting to be above average. Because everyone looks up at the moon and it has footprints on it.
All the best.

Modern-day nomads

It was late in the evening and my attention was wandering. The sneaky thing about time is it mocks you into believing in a false reality that doesn’t exist. It says, “You still have time” when you really don’t. Oh how we are indeed modern-day nomads, wondering about with our smart-phones in hand.

Every day my to-do list is assailed with a thousand beckoning side trips. A wonderer’s delight. Aren’t we all drawn into a sensational siren song than our own disciplines or duties.

I drew closer to my computer like a moth to flame, I bathed in the blueish colored computer light. I hardly took note of the sun going down or how colorful the sunset was. Self-imposed deadlines constantly were ringing in my ears. My fingers were banging out another….
Breaking news as it were, was continuously pulling at my eyes from my self-imposed task at hand. Sensational tidbits scroll across the live feed, infinitely more interesting than my task I originally was supposed to do.
“Russia’s impending push to World War III”… “Drone attacks & privacy rights.”…Britney Spears shaves head Again!”…. “Tragic event; Another Hollywood stair is snuffed out.”…
The vortex of the World Wide Web had sucked in another modern nomad while attempting to turn another brain into cooked oatmeal like mush.

Who ever said the phrase, “Not all who wonder are lost”, must have been talking about our modern times, or surly talking directly to me, in offering such a good explaining excuse. Or at least maybe talking about the modern use of smart phones? I know, excuses, excuses.

Sometimes in our explorations just off the beaten path, we place too much hope that they will reveals yet another to be known, precious memory. Perhaps we just need some distractions to reorient our journeys. At the very least I believe Steve Jobs never believed, when they invented the supper smart phone, (or was it his plan and others like him) as hatching another evil plots to dumb everyone down a bit, by wasting time that could have been better used doing something else?

You only have to see a person glued to their smart phone, walking down the street and un-expectantly running into something or someone. I’ve seen that a time or two–even done that myself. So it’s not to hard to believe that last statement then. Besides who remembers phone number anymore? It’s fast becoming a lost art…to remember much of anything.

The use of time is important to our mission. But it is also important to be encouraged to use technology to increase productivity. Here are some inspirational quotes to hopefully nudge us all to that end. To leave technology alone every once in awhile, just for a break, or to practice remembering something new.

“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”
Winston Churchill

“Let liars lie, let sectarians quarrel, let corporations resolve, let editors publish, let the devil do his worst; but see to it that nothing hinders you from fulfilling your work.”
H.M.S. Richards

And one more from your truly;

“Not everyone tries to get lost in the face of duty. Nor is it more important where you end up when making yourself into who you are; it’s what you do along the way that’s far more impactful. For there is no refund in living life–the illusion is in balancing “Efforts” , “Waste” & “Wants”.”

All the best.

The melting pot–quote of the day / Gratitude challenge mash-up.

In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed. Its all because “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

Am I saying to begin living life it has to be from a state of discomfit?

Sadly I’m announcing that I will no longer be doing the Gratitude challenge as everyone seems to be doing it. But will post regular posts of what I’m grateful for / a showing of Gratitude. So here it goes…

To what I was saying before. I’m saying statistically 70% of people choose to keep things to themselves to avoid being judged by others, to make themselves more comfortable. Life challenges us to live, so how is it living life when you’re just sitting in a comfortable easy chair…feet lifted up, all relaxed like? Where are the exciting experiences of life–in the chair, or just beyond that foot rest?

Life is uncertain, it full of challenges, possibilities of success or failure. Is it really living when we seek out living without risk? Nothing ventured is nothing gained, or no pain, no gain, could also mean that it takes risk of failure to enjoy success and therefore being able to take a rest, to relax a bit in life comes after having lived the life you have been given? But nothing in life is ever meant to be permanent…except when we….stop living.

“Never be afraid to fall apart, because it gives you the opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along.”—Rae Smith

I’m grateful to be stumbling along, I have compleat Gratitude for failure; because I’m alive and have been given a new chance with each failure to rebuild myself better, to remodel, and to improve myself. Without failure I may think nothing is wrong, that I’m prefect–not having to make or take any farther actions. Should that be my goal? Is that what is required of living well, sitting in that easy chair all comfortable? Is that living life to it fullest?

“What ever you are be a good one.” Abraham Lincoln

Have a great weekend.
All the best

(Know quotes names were listed. The rest are unknown.)

Secret responses

Some people say, “Blogs are for opinions”. I agree. But include, “If blogs are for opinions, then for everything else we have MasterCard and Wikipedia.

Ok! I could expand on that point some, but you get the picture.

We shouldn’t try to please everyone, is the real message. But what I have found, by stirring the pot we can also stimulate thought in the most stubborn of minds. A post maybe my thought for that moment…but that moment is now gone. It could just be my ADD acting up? Or it could be my love of playing games (devils advocate) that is. So in an instant my thoughts may have also changed? Perhaps your’s too? Such is the blessing of freedom–or dare I say “free speech” in the internet world filled with child like push button wonderment.

My writing is my virtual space, my online home. In telling people what my opinions are, or at times giving my explanations about those same opinions, or my this and that on some social commentary, new story’s, humor, or musings. The readers can create an opinion of their own about what was written. So in this light of giving an opinion, I guarantee that people will respond… No matter if it is good, bad, or indifferent. People often respond without even trying to type any responses, or without even knowing they’re responding at first. Their hidden response is made without even uttering an audible word.

Question: Is thinking about what you have read, a response to anything you read?

Quote of the day: Victimhood

“Should you find yourself the victim of other people’s bitterness, ignorance, smallness, insecurities; remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them.” Quote unknown.

Gratitude challenge: day 7

Today the things I’m grateful for starts off with “mornings.” Not only should we all celebrate life, but another day of it to hopefully do better than the last. Priceless!

Amy Wise said it like this “Staying stale or starting fresh you choose!”

We can dwell on the facts that life isn’t all that fair, or we can work to make it as fair as possible for those we come in contact with. Although this morning is great and all, I’m still having internet problems and the tech says another week of this to go. My apologies for irregular posts on feeling grateful and this challenge in general. But that proves that living life is challenging. It’s a dance, so keep on dancing.

2) challenges
After all any challenge pushes us along to those places we all have said, we would go if only…(we all to often say “later”). When someone challenges us, there is an expectation to preform with a double helping of healthy competition, a competitive spirit to out perform those who challenge us, to rise to the occasion, to win fair and square.
In short challenges get us moving–what moves you?

3) cookies

Who doesn’t love the cookie? Besides competition makes me hungry for junk food. Is a cookie really junk food? Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the reason I have trust issues. Never the less, I will eat both just as easily as one or the other. I just don’t like it when my taste buds are all prepared for the taste of chocolate, then it comes up with raisin flavor’s. I guess that’s why there are split personality cookies (chocolate chip raisin)?

4) tech support

Because cookies can’t solve everything without milk, and tech support is that support that helps me clean up my connection issues like sweeping up cookie crumbs. Problems with the internet hopefully solved, just need to wait for new equipment to be delivered. And then we once again we will have the internet back for more than 1 minuet at a time followed by 5 minuets of “re-loading”. :^(

5) delivery people.

To the likes of UPS and similar services, delivery people are great. Providing they aren’t copying the opening few minutes of the movie “Pet Detective” with my deliveries? I have heard the horror stories of others, their packages that were delivered and looked like the aftermath of a shredded package bomb. So yeah. I’m grateful and feeling much gratitude for my delivery people. Disclaimer includes (All rights to change my opinion are reserved, they may change without notice everything is possible.)

6) Pizza
Is there such a thing like eating too much pizza? I love being married but sometimes I miss the days when I could sit on the couch in my boxers and eat an unsliced microwave pizza by myself. If I would do that now I’d look like an older fat guy. And that’s never good for anyone’s own appearance or sex appeal. Eating cold pizza in the morning while everyone else is sleeping–game on!

7) Out of the ordinary Humor.

Thank God for that. To see the funny in the ordinary things of every day life isn’t easy. But it can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, the somewhat boring into the interesting, and the doldrums of sad times into more hopeful and positively bearable times. “Laughter cures all”, my late Dad used to say, “I would rather have people laugh, and remember, and re enjoy those pranks, jokes, or just generally fun and funny memories, than all of my embarrassing short comings I fought to avoid but failed at. Even a bad joke is better than that.”

That sums it up day 7, thanks God, somehow you got me to remember Dad again. Send help, because I need it! Amen.

All the best.

Quote a day

“The fastest way to cheer yourself up is to help lift someone else up.”–Mindwarpfx

This saying may give an impression of climbing out of a hole, or the way I choose to see it…a superhero climbing up to great heights.

Have you ever noticed in movie theory the superhero always needs the help from the unsuspecting average Joe with no real powers. The interesting thing with the average Joe is that they usually hold the moral high ground, the moral compass, while expressing the importance of the freedom to choose.

If your stuck in a rut all you can do is look up, wanting, contemplating a way to get out if it. Nothing can give you more confidence then seeing a helping hand reaching out towards you. Nothing pushes you harder towards any goals than a combined effort. The theory behind team sports pertaining to living life.

Though the importance of these institutions in out modern times seem a bit out dated, (all to often thought of having limited impact), marriage, and church express like in team sports a cornerstone belief of a commitment to encouraging combined efforts to a common positive goal (that ever extended helping hand). The importance if these two institutions are as bold a difference as a positive image vs. a negative image in the societal photo album.

At its core a superhero conquers their own personal weaknesses like those feelings of greed, and comes to give a helping hand to those in need. A villain is fueled by greed and always looks to profit from extending what appears to be “help”, but ends up personally taking advantage.

It’s your own movie, the character you decide to play is your choice to make or remake each day.

Enjoy the day.


May 2024

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